
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Random Acts of Christmas Kindness

Christmastime is here!!!

I came across this great idea for counting down the days until Christmas Day arrives.  I am really excited about it, and I must admit- a little nervous.  However, the excitement outweighs the fear which is good.  AND, if I can get a friend or two, and maybe a niece or nephew to help me along the way, I think this is going to be super fun!!

So, the idea is this:  Each day as Christmas gets closer and closer, I (and anyone who may want to join me) will do a Random Act of Christmas Kindness (otherwise known as RACK) for one or more people.  Some may be random people that I don't know, some could be acquaintances, maybe even friends or family, but the act of kindness will be random and totally unexpected by those who will receive it.  

I have several ideas floating around in my head:

*Hand out candy canes to people as they finish shopping
*Put an uplifting Christmas quote or thought on windshields of shoppers
*Take a treat to the postal workers who are happily sending off all our Christmas packages
*Buy a hot chocolate for the Salvation Army bell ringers
*Get a treat for the clerk at the check out 
*Pay the library fines for two or three people
*Give away a gift card or two to Jamba Juice 
*Sing Christmas Carols
*Put change in parking meters that are about to expire

Well, that is quite the list, but as you can see not nearly enough for 25 days. So, if you have any ideas for RACK's send them my way.  And, if you find that you want to join in the fun let me know!

Christmastime is here!!!  Wahoo!!! :)