
Saturday, December 10, 2011

RACK, Days 2-10

Wow!  What a week!  This week started out terribly.  On Monday morning I was about to leave for work.  As I was grabbing my phone and chapstick (essentials for a day away from home!) I noticed that there was a mouse sitting at the foot of my bed.  I could not believe my eyes!  I thought this was trick - perhaps it was a sock and a piece of thread or yarn that only LOOKED like a mouse.  But no, a mouse it was!  After a few moments of shock and disbelief I realized that I was still standing on the floor, where said mouse was also standing.  I screamed, jumped up on the bed, and started to really panic.  I was now trapped on my bed, needing to leave for work.  There was a horrible little mouse in MY ROOM, of all places!!!  Where would it go?  What would it do?  And, the phrase I dislike so much in connection with mice ran through my mind over and over again: where there is one, there are many.  Needless to say there was more screaming, crying, and leaping across bedroom furniture to escape the mouse.

This really threw me off my groove, so some of my RACK's did not happen until later in the week, but they were all great, and I want to share them.  Here goes....

Day 2
I was shopping at a local store and decided that the clerk who was checking me out deserved to have some chocolate, and not just any chocolate.  She needed something rich and smooth and more expensive.  So, I bought one of the more expensive bars at the check-out.  She bagged everything and wished me a good night.  I pulled out that little bar of deliciousness and said "This is for you.  You can eat it on your break - Merry Christmas!"  She smiled and told me it was nice of me to do, and set that lovely bar of chocolate aside for a quiet moment alone when she could relax.

Day 3
I paid my little MorMor a surprise visit.  She is so old and tiny - I can actually pick her up in my arms like someone picks up a small child, or to carry their bride across the threshold.  She is not hearing too well these days and her memory is not so good and she really just want to go be with my grandpa.  Well, I visited with her for a short time - she smiled.  I kissed her soft, wrinkled cheek and told her I love her.  She smiled her beautiful yet tired smile and said "And I love you, and I love you more than you love me."  We did this several times - it's always hard for me to leave, so we say many goodbyes.  That is a Ludlow tradition - long goodbyes!

Day 4
I am kind of a shy person in certain situations.  The ward, or I should say rather the branch that I attend is HUGE - there are approximately 600 members, and that's not counting all the visitors that attend.  So, sometimes I get nervous and shy with all these people, pull inside of myself and don't really talk to anyone.  I know this is a weakness that I have been working on for a long, long time.  I have come a long way - but still I have miles to go.  I decided that it would be a good goal for me, and would hopefully cheer some strangers if I wished at least five people a Merry Christmas.  So, I did.  I don't know if it helped any of them, but it did make me feel happier, just to smile and say those lovely words "Merry Christmas!" AND, I reached my goal !  It's those little successes that lead to the big ones.

Day 5
This was the dreaded day of the mouse.  It was hard on this day to take care of my RACK.  I was so wrapped up in the mouse and the fear of more, buying all kinds of traps and other means to deter any more furry friends from coming to my lovely home and especially my room.  So, this day ended with me allowing others to give service to me.  I really don't like to be a bother to others.  I try to take care of myself and not be a burden.  But, when it comes to mice this is really hard.  When at the store buying mice removal paraphernalia, I get an upset stomach and cringe that I have to touch the packages of traps and what not.  I hate the little pictures of mice on the packages.  Ugh!  It's!  So, I had to allow two people to help me out.  First, my amazing mom!  She came over later that morning and helped remove the mouse - it had died, right there in my room on my lovely "Daughters in my Kingdom" book.  Now, I am grateful that it died (I'm guessing he must have eaten some poison from the deep dark crawl space where he may have entered the house).  If the mouse was still alive it would be crawling all over my house and scaring me as it scurried and darted about.  But, even a dead mouse is scary, so my mom, who hates them almost as much as me, came over and removed the offending dead mouse.  What a lady!  She truly is amazing and I love her!  After buying all my traps I couldn't set them up.  Like I said earlier, I hate touching the packages of traps and I hate bothering people.  So, it was really hard for me to let a friend come over and set all the traps for me.  I was very grateful though, and so far no mice have been caught.  I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.  Are the mice just really smart and avoiding the traps? Or are there really no more mice?  I hope its the latter.  From this not so lovely experience I learned that sometimes you need to sacrifice and allow others to sacrifice for you.

Day 6
I think the mouse situation threw me off my groove.  I was so worried about the mouse and it's possible remaining family members that I didn't think much about serving.  I will make it up though!!

Day 7
I made some delicious treats that are a tradition in my family and that we have not had time to make for a long, long time.  The plan is to take them to family and friend on another day.  I made chocolate crinkles and walnut crescents.  They are super delicious and make me feel like Christmas. The thing about these two recipes is that the dough must chill for 3-4 hours or overnight, so the rest of this service will need to be done tomorrow.

Day 8
I made some delicious treats that are a tradition in my family and that we have not had time to make for a long, long time.  I packaged up the little treats and took a box to my mom and one to my MorMor (grandmother in Danish).  My mom was delighted, and she began to cry.  We decided that we need to have a special day of baking in the next week or so, and make all the yummy goodies that we used to make when my siblings and I were small.  It will be super fun!

Day 9
This day marked two RACK's .  One, I made a goodie box of those aforementioned treats from my childhood and left it on the doorstep of a friend and his family.  I hope they enjoy!  Secondly, I went to a winter holiday dance that my roommate's 6th graders were putting on to raise money to buy winter gear for children in need.  The dance was hilariously funny!  Just imagine 11 year old boys and girls dancing to hip hop and techno music and doing "The Shuffle".  It's something like "The Running Man".  Anyway, I donated a hat, scarf, and six pair of gloves to the cause.  The kids ended up raising $105 to use towards the purchase of more gear.  Good job!

Day 10
Today I will help my mom decorate her tree.  She is feeling a little lonesome and melancholy I think.  All her kids are grown, and Christmas is just a little different without little children around all the time.  ***I am back!  I helped set up and decorate her tree.  I brought in all her boxes of Christmas decor so that she can set things up at her leisure.  She was really happy and appreciated my help.  The tree is lovely!  One thing my mom loves to do is sit in the dark with the Christmas tree lights on.  She enjoys looking at the lights and thinking about the past year, all the good, the bad, mostly the good and think about the new year coming and the hopes, dreams, and goals that she has for the future.  Now, she will get to continue that tradition this year :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Adventures & Misadventures of Daily Living

I am a teacher.  I am a photographer.  I love cameras.  I love smiles.  I love the beauty and wonder of this world we live in.  I love capturing all this on my camera.  I love to see what others do with their cameras too.  

I found this great blog called Adventures & Misadventures of Daily Living .  The author happens to be a teacher, as am I.  It's no wonder I find that I can really relate to this author/photographer/teacher.  

If you enjoy looking at amazing images of not only this beautiful world but the amazing people that are in it, and if you like to laugh then I suggest you head on over and take a look! :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

RACK, Day 1

Today is December 1st, which marks the start of the advent season and the beginning of my Random Acts of Christmas Kindness plan.  I was busy today with lots of things going on, and have not had a chance to actually make up my little "RACK Advent Calendar".  As a result I was not sure what random act of Christmas kindness I would do today.  I stopped by Target, thinking I could buy a hot cocoa for the Salvation Army bell ringer, but alas!  There was NO Bell Ringer!!!  How could this be?  The Christmas Season is just not the same without the bell ringer!  I went into the store to buy some candy canes that I plan to hand out on another day.  I thought maybe I could buy a view gift cards and give them to Target patrons as a help with their holiday (and otherwise) purchases.  As I walked toward the checkout desks, I spotted a cute old lady - she was alone and went straight to the cleaning aisle.  I thought, she probably doesn't have a lot of money, or she'd check out more exciting areas of the store.  While the cleaning aisle has it's good points, you have to admit, it's not that amazing!  So, I quickly went over to finalize my purchase and get the gift card for her.  After paying form my items, I scanned the store for a pen, finally found one and wrote on the back of the card, and then set off looking for the cute little old lady.  I walked almost the entire store but could not find her.  I was feeling pretty sad because I really wanted to give the card to her.  As I walked toward the front doors and check stands I saw her!  Hooray!  

She had already bought her cleaning supplies, and was waiting for someone.  As I approached her, I noticed that she looked tired and sighed in either boredom or exhaustion.  
I walked up, smiled and said "Merry Christmas!"  in a cheery tone.  I handed her the gift card.  She brightened up, smiled and said "Oh!  What's this?"  "You can use it next time you come shopping!  Merry Christmas!" I replied and quickly ran out the door and to my car.  I don't know why I couldn't have slowed down - I got nervous and thought she can't refuse if I leave and she has no one to refuse.  
I smiled as I ran to my car.  It felt good to share with someone who wasn't expecting it.  As I drove home thinking of her, I began to cry - I don't know why!  I'm glad I was able to do something for someone, even though it wasn't much.  I hope it helped make her day just a little brighter.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Random Acts of Christmas Kindness

Christmastime is here!!!

I came across this great idea for counting down the days until Christmas Day arrives.  I am really excited about it, and I must admit- a little nervous.  However, the excitement outweighs the fear which is good.  AND, if I can get a friend or two, and maybe a niece or nephew to help me along the way, I think this is going to be super fun!!

So, the idea is this:  Each day as Christmas gets closer and closer, I (and anyone who may want to join me) will do a Random Act of Christmas Kindness (otherwise known as RACK) for one or more people.  Some may be random people that I don't know, some could be acquaintances, maybe even friends or family, but the act of kindness will be random and totally unexpected by those who will receive it.  

I have several ideas floating around in my head:

*Hand out candy canes to people as they finish shopping
*Put an uplifting Christmas quote or thought on windshields of shoppers
*Take a treat to the postal workers who are happily sending off all our Christmas packages
*Buy a hot chocolate for the Salvation Army bell ringers
*Get a treat for the clerk at the check out 
*Pay the library fines for two or three people
*Give away a gift card or two to Jamba Juice 
*Sing Christmas Carols
*Put change in parking meters that are about to expire

Well, that is quite the list, but as you can see not nearly enough for 25 days. So, if you have any ideas for RACK's send them my way.  And, if you find that you want to join in the fun let me know!

Christmastime is here!!!  Wahoo!!! :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I've been thinking...

A dangerous pass time, I know.  What's that line from??  Beauty and the Beast! ;) 

In all seriousness, I have been thinking.

Two weeks ago the Branch Presidency told all the Elder's Quorum and Relief Society Presidents that we would need to take a few minutes during our combined meeting that will be held at church tomorrow and tell the branch members what we think the branch needs.  Well, this is a daunting task, as we only get 3 or 4 minutes to express our thoughts AND there are almost 600 members of the branch.  This makes me slightly nervous.

I have thought and prayed and this is what I have come up with:

We all have faced and will continue to face trials, challenges, and disappointments during our lives.  You can't have made it this far in life without hitting a few speed bumps along the way.  Whether it be temptations that are difficult to withstand, disappointment related to relationships or the lack thereof, frustration with jobs, or fears that are hard for us to get a handle on, pretty much life has most likely not turned out for anyone the way they imagined it would.  I have recently dealt with a trial that has been extremely difficult for me, but I can tell you that I feel a strength from the Lord in my life.  I am trying so hard not to let this challenge take over my life and Heavenly Father is truly helping me in this.  I have never had such an experience before where I have felt love and hope like I have these past few weeks; it's amazing! Truly, it is a miracle!!

  I am reminded of the people of Alma when they were in bondage to the Lamanites and Amulon and the other wicked priests of Noah were given power over them:  

"And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort....And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.  And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the the will of the Lord."  Mosiah 24:13-15.

The burden has not been taken away from me - I still feel sad and discouraged at times. But somehow, through the Atonement I am being strengthened and I am being filled with hope.  There have been so many tender mercies from the Lord that have helped me as I work to get through this trial.  And believe me, it is work - I have to strive to keep my thoughts positive and to actually turn to the Lord through prayer, scripture study, temple worship, etc., but I see that as I am doing the best I know how the Lord is expanding and magnifying my efforts.  I stand as a witness that the Lord does visit his people in their afflictions.  He is aware of me, and knew before the trial began that it was coming.  He sent tender mercies to prepare me, and has continued to bless me as I work through the trial.  The love and hope I feel is truly amazing, and I know that this is only possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ- I don't know how it works but I know it does.  I am so blessed and grateful!  

At stake conference this last week we were counseled to find out what the Holy Ghost is inviting us to do to build our faith and hope in Christ.  I think that as members of the branch and stake we need to take this counsel to heart. I think if each of us can figure out what our own answer to that question is and then act on that answer we will build hope and faith in the Savior and we will come to not just believe in Him, but believe Him when he says he will take care of us.  We will allow Him to take care of us and ease our burdens, we will allow His Atonement to be active in our lives.  Something I am learning is that WE must allow the Savior to help us.  He stands at the ready to help, but if we insist on doing it alone, or insist on being miserable, He won't step in and force us to accept what He offers.  I testify that God our Father and His son Jesus Christ, are aware of each one of us, that they love us and that one of their greatest desires is to help us in this life to be happy - life doesn't have to be so hard if we let them help us get through it. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Poppy!

It was Poppy's Birthday today! 

He passed away last October. We miss him sooooo much! 

Bianca, my four year old niece,  called Grammies (my mom) today and asked if we could get a balloon and a card and send it to him in Heaven for his birthday. What a little darling!!

 So, these pictures document our "Happy Birthday" for Poppy. 

After she let them go, she turned to Grammies and said "Heavenly Father will see the balloons and cards and say 'I think these are for you Hal- are you Poppy?' and Poppy would say yes and he would be so happy and then maybe Heavenly Father will let him come and whisper in our ear 'Thank you my little Ter Bear (that is what Poppy called Grammies since she was a little girl, his little Ter Bear) Thank you Bianca! Thank you Auntie Elisa! Thank you Kirsten! Thank you Francisco!'"  

So, sweet!!   Good times! 

Happy Birthday Poppy! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

There is yet much to be thankful for...

Last night I drove to my grandmother's home to help her get ready for bed.  My mom was taking care of her last night, but due to a knee injury she was unable to do the lifting required to help MorMor change to her pajamas, and get into bed, so I offered to help.  Cute MorMor!!  She seemed a little more like her old self last night, at least for a little while.  She smiled and laughed and it was nice :)  After I got her in bed, she said sort of a prayer - she sometimes starts out saying something, in this case expressing gratitude to my mom and I for helping her so much last night, for making the day as pleasant as possible, and then it ends up as a prayer.  She said this phrase that stuck out to me:  "There is yet much to be thankful for."  I thought about that - there is yet much to be thankful for.  My little grandma is so old, her body is not doing anything that she would like it to do.  She is lonesome for her sweetheart.  She has dementia.  She is dying.  And yet there is much to be thankful for.  She then said "I would like to close that in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."  What a sweet prayer of gratitude!  I thought about how I need to be more like that - even in the midst of the trial there is yet much to be thankful for.  MorMor is still teaching me.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Amazing Plan of Happiness

Yesterday was Easter.  I  was thinking about the Savior and the Atonement he preformed for us all so that we would have the possibility of doing so many things.  We can be reunited with our bodies after we die.  We can be with our loved ones again - He took the sting of death away!  We can repent of sins, we can be comforted in our trials and sorrows.  I know I don't understand a hundredth part of how the Atonement works, but I know it does and I know that I will be forever grateful to Jesus Christ for doing this for me.  My grandfather passed away six months ago, and now my grandmother is coming close to the time when she will be with him again.  I am so sad to lose them - but really I am sad that I don't get to see them and associate with them - for a time.  I am excited and happy to know that I will be with them again!  Because of Jesus Christ we belong to each other - F O R E V E R!!!  I just love the gospel and I am grateful for the testimony that Jesus Christ lives, and because He lives we will too.  :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011


True Blue Friends!  Elisa & Poppy
at Danish Christmas Eve about 1978
This blog was created after a rather significant event occurred in my life - my grandfather passed away last October.  This was one of the most difficult experiences of my life!  He was my "True Blue Friend".  We call him Poppy.  I sure do love him and miss him!  A year previous he had been diagnosed with Mesothelioma which is lung cancer caused by exposure to Asbestos.  Due to his service in the Coast Guard/Navy during World War II and the exposure he received to this horrible substance during that time, his life was cut short.  Well, I know the hand of the Lord was in it all, so I guess it was his time to go but he was always trying to eat right, exercise and keep his body healthy.  I really think he could have lived another 10 years.  Even though he was already sick, a week prior to the surgery during where the cancer was discovered he was at the clubhouse lifting weights!

Now, my grandma - MorMor we call her, (which being interpreted from the Danish is "Mother's Mother")  is coming to the end of her mortal life.  It's the greatest desire of her heart to go be with our Poppy - her Hal.  She is so lonesome for him.  She is getting weaker by the day.

The other night I was there taking care of her.  She had fallen earlier and was pretty nervous about falling again.  She wasn't too sure that I am big enough or strong enough to hold her up should she fall.  In her own words she was frantic, thinking that I wouldn't be able to help her.  I tried reassuring her that before Poppy had died there were a couple of times I was helping him and he completely lost his strength yet I was able to catch him and hold him up.  She felt a little better, but was still skeptical.  I asked if she'd like to have a prayer - so we prayed for her safety and strength, for my ability to hold her up and help her should she fall, and expressed gratitude for the kindness and help given by her caretaker Julia.  This seemed to help MorMor a little, but she was still feeling anxious.  I asked her if she'd like to have a priesthood blessing.  Oh!  Yes!  So, the hunt began to find someone who was worthy and available.  It sure is hard sometimes not having the priesthood in your home!  My brother Richard answered the phone was was both  happy and willing to come - he canceled something he already had planned that evening to come out.  While we waited for him, she was still nervous.   I felt so sad for her and wanted to alleviate her anxiety.  The thought came to offer her a foot rub.  I remembered that when I was very sick with a kidney stone and the pain was excruciating, my mom had given me a foot rub which really calmed me down and it was almost like she pulled the pain right out of my body.  So I offered and she said yes.  She calmed down and relaxed.  The spirit in the home changed to calm and peace.  As I was rubbing her feet there were so many thoughts running through my mind, almost like my human brain wasn't enough to process them all.  I thought of her and her life, I thought of the Savior and how he served his apostles by washing their feet.  I felt a little like him as I was serving her in this way.  I thought of a line in my patriarchal blessing that says "you will receive grace as you give grace".  I felt like at that moment I was offering grace to my MorMor.  I was helping her do something that she couldn't do herself.

When he arrived, not long after our conversation, he was dressed in the uniform of the priesthood - a suit and tie.  He is sure handsome!  And he talked so kindly to MorMor.  She expressed her concerns and he gave her a blessing.  It was one of the sweetest experiences of my life.  I could tell that he was really trying to listen to the Spirit and say the things Heavenly Father wanted MorMor to know.  He mentioned Poppy and how he is with her and watching and wants to be with her just as much as she is wanting to be with him.  He said many wonderful things about her family on both sides of the veil who are eager to help her, about how much Heavenly Father loves her, and that when He thinks of her he feels joy.  This blessing really helped her - she was more calm, even happy.  We ate dinner, the three of us together.  It was almost like old times, before Poppy died and before MorMor was sickly and old.  Later she and I looked through some old photographs of her and Poppy when they were young , during his mission and then some from when they were courting.  Fun memories!  I even saw a new picture where they were cuddling on the couch!  So cute!

MorMor & Poppy, Christmas 2009 a few months after his diagnosis,
he had just started Chemotherapy.
Oh!  Life is sometimes so sweet and beautiful!  And yet sometimes it can be excruciatingly painful.  It's so strange to have the sweet and beautiful and pain all at once.  It's so hard to watch my loved ones suffer. I want their suffering to end, but I know the only way that will happen is through death, but I want to be with them.  It's a lot of emotion to feel all at once.  I guess it is better that we pass through sorrow that we may know the joy.  I guess that's life...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Parable of the Mice

 I was thinking about how fear sometimes leads us to make bad decisions.  I made one a few weeks ago when I discovered there were mice in my house.  I signed up with a pest control company to get their services for a crazy amount of money because I just wanted the mice to be gone.  I was willing to do anything.  After some time passed in which I was able to calm down slightly and talk with family and friends I realized that I had made a bad decision.  Luckily I was able to get out of the agreement and don't have to pay the money.  

During that same week I attended a Relief Society weekday meeting where one of the sisters was sharing her insights regarding social situations.  This great sister, who is an amazing speaker, taught us that we need to make our first response one of kindness and that we ought to approach every new social situation in a positive light - see it as a journey of discovery, one in which we can discover new exciting things about a new person rather than anticipating that the journey will end in rejection, from either side.  I really liked her thoughts and I realized that sometimes I make decisions with fear as the motivator (more often than just when mice are involved) and that this is wrong and something I need to work on. 

 I guess the mice have been good for something!  If ever I have to give a talk on fear and faith I can share "The Parable of the Mice".  

I hope the mice will be entirely gone soon, never to return.  I am deathly afraid of them!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today was such a beautiful day!!!  The sunshine made me feel like Spring is on it's way...

And, I live for Spring!  Thoughts of  light golden sunshine and smiling flowers, umbrellas and rain showers, new green growing things, and more surprises that only Spring can bring help me get through the winter.  Today was like a little reprieve from Heavenly Father, a gift from Him to me (and, well all of us!).  He knows how much I love Spring, and He loves me so much, I think He decided to give me a few days of it.  Oh, how I am blessed!

Hooray for Spring!!!